We check with our warehouse or suppliers to make sure that your item(s) are available and can be despatched as soon as possible. If your item(s) are available for shipping (within 5 business days), we'll process the charges and prepare to ship your order. In the event that your item(s) are unavailable for immediate despatch, we remove the pre-authorisation from your payment method and reach out to you via email or telephone.
Some of our deliveries our couriers require a contact number to ensure smooth delivery of your order. We won't give to anyone else, it’s kept private and confidential. Plus if there are any issues with your order we can contact you quickly and easily.
Absolutely. Home Ofice strives to provide our customers with a safe and smooth customer experience. This site uses SSL encryption technology so that you never have to worry about credit card safety.
Shop With Confidence
homeofice is trading under Daniel Burr LIMITED
registered office DANIEL BURR LIMITED PO BOX 478 Uckfield TN22 9HB . By appointment only.
company number 13444470
call us. 0330 1757527